AAC is an acronym for "Augmentative and Alternative Communication." It's a fancy term that means we communicate in more ways than verbally talking to others. Different modes of speaking may include body language, print/text, switches and high-tech communication devices. That means if you've ever texted or emailed someone, pointed to a picture on the menu or used voice-to-text, you've used AAC!

AAC benefits everyone, but many people with disabilities rely on AAC to communicate effectively. If the AAC they are using is "augmentative", then these modes of communication support their verbal communication. Sometimes, if speaking isn't possible, they need an "alternative" way to communicate. Access to high quality of AAC opens doors to opportunity, choice and agency, allowing people to meaningfully engage in their lives. Communication is a human right, and that's why AAC is so important.


The Skillbuilding Co-op offers comprehensive evaluations to help match a nonspeaking or minimally speaking person with a high-tech communication device that best fits his/her physical, cognitive and communication needs. We will trial a minimum of three different devices. A comprehensive evaluation typically takes place over multiple sessions in a variety of locations to ensure functionality across environments. We choose language programs based on the available vocabulary, vocabulary representation and organization, and the communication needs of the client.


The Skillbuilding Co-op loves to share our expertise with individuals, families, and/or teams that want assistance with the implementation of an AAC system. We help our clients understand what language is available in their system and how to best use it across all daily environments. We teach the fundamental philosophy that our clients are people first. We coach teams on how to engage our users where they are and how to be the best communication partner to an AAC user. We offer single trainings, ongoing trainings, half day trainings and full day classes. We have 3 licensed therapists with experience coaching individuals, small groups or large groups. We will customize the interactive and hands on training to meet the needs of your organization/team.


The Skillbuilding Co-op is the only private practice in the Middle Tennessee area that specializes solely on person-first, community based AAC therapy. Whether it be in your home, at your job, in your favorite restaurant or attending events such as a birthday party, we use real-life situations to help our users learn the language that is meaningful to them and tailor their AAC device to fit their communication needs. Additionally, we provide practice strategies to both the user and their family/team on how to promote communication skills in real-time so everyone can feel empowered. Our AAC users become their own self advocates and educators in their own communities. We structure our treatment plans around the four core areas of learning including Operational, Linguistic, Social and Strategic use of an AAC device.


Are you a local business interested in being more inclusive to people with communication disabilities? The Skillbuilding Co-op is available to provide consultation and support to learn how you can implement AAC in your business.

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