Educate. Collaborate. Communicate

The Skillbuilding Co-op is a small group of speech-language pathologists and tutors with years of experience teaching, tutoring and providing speech and language services. Each of our team members brings something unique to the table. Kim's small math tutoring business started in 2006, but when she was asked to tutor a student using an AAC (Augmentative or Alternative for Communication) device, everything changed. The Skillbuilding Co-op was formally established with the fundamental idea that everyone can learn; we will meet every student where they are, and we will build skill from there. How a student communicates during their learning journey may look different (using AAC), but the challenges an AAC user faces in communicating with a device should not determine his or her potential for learning. Feel free to explore the tutoring section and AAC section of the website to learn more about the unique services we provide. Welcome to The Skillbuilding Co-op!

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